Flower of the Month - March: Matthiola Incana (Stock)
Stock - and no we're not talking about those boxes taking up all your spare room in that warehouse. Stock (the flower) also known as Matthiola Incana is Flowers Gold Coast's flower of the Month this March.
Stock Flower (Malcolmia maritima) is a low-branching annual herb. Stock Flower is also referred to as Virginia Stock flower. Stock flowers come in a profusion of fragrant loose racemes (cluster of Flowers). Stock flowers are white and pink, or red, or lilac in colour. The Stock Flower is a native of southwestern Greece and southern Albania, found across the Mediterranean.

- The Stock Flower plant has oval, toothed or entire, medium green leaves.
- The Stock Flower plant grows to a height of 8-15 feet in full sun when looked after.
- The Stock Flowers are white, yellow, pinks, lilac, and magenta.
- The name gillyflower is also used for the Virginia Stock.
- The flower fragrance is the characteristic feature of the Virginian stock.
- Is apart of the Cabbage Family
- Flowers can be added to salads raw or a garnish to desserts, they can also be candied. Their flavour is perfumed.
Stock was all the rage in 16th century Saxony (now Germany). Gardeners were so successful in breeding new colours that the government assigned each village its own official hue in order to develop the purest colours.
Stock is a fantastic flower to use in Fresh Flowers arrangement, Flowers Gold Coast loves to use Stock as it helps provide height in our bouquets but also provides wonderful hues and lovely scents.

You'll see Stock starting to appear in our Bouquets delivered to your Gold Coast home from the end of February to mid March and is often available for several months.
Keep an eye out on Stock being available in our Fresh Bouquet Arrangements made by Gold Coast Florist team.