Flower of the Month: Snapdragon
This month we decided to highlight a regular feature in Flowers Gold Coast Bouquets. Snapdragon Flowers are a gorgeous addition to any bouquet, adding a wild variety of colour but allows height to be added to your bouquet making it both grande sized and vibrant in colour!
Often Symbolised for their hardy nature, able to grow in typically uninhabitable areas, Snapdragons also pull their name from their nose or "nose like" shape both in English and their Latin name Antirrhinum Rrhinum "Snout Like".
Thought to originate from the Mediterranean region, Snapdragons are typically available in Spring and Summer Months, Australia allows itself to see Snapdragons in Flowers Gold Coast's bouquets year round due to it's favourable conditions.
Snapdragon also lends itself to it's edible oils that have been used in Europe, and particularly Russia. It's leave and Flowers are considered to be possessive of anti-inflammatory properties often mashed into a paste and used with bandaged fabric.
While we haven't gotten to releasing any Medicinal Options to our Flower Range, we will continue to add Snapdragons to our bouquets for their gorgeous colour and unique structure. Snapdragons also provide a nice height to our bouquets making them stand out and to wow our beloved customers!
Pick up or Delivered across the Gold Coast, Flowers Gold Coast is happy to add Snapdragons to your bouquet, just talk to our awesome Florist for the best flower options for you.
Check out some of our "Flowers of the Month" blog posts here!
Or our other blog "Words from your Local Florist", we go into detail about our day to day activities, information about upcoming seasons, or trends, or some behind the scenes information that you will love!